Friday 26 Feb 2021

February 26: Jeremiah 18:18
Key Verse: Jeremiah 18:18
They said, “Come, let’s make plans against Jeremiah; for the teaching of the law by the priest will not cease, nor will counsel from the wise, nor the word from the prophets. So come, let’s attack him with our tongues and pay no attention to anything he says.”
When we dare to bring God’s Word into a place where it is in short supply, we are going to have to face opposition from the people who like to think they are in charge. It may be they have seized power in some way, gain strength through fear or take command because nobody else wants to – but that is all they have, the illusion of themselves being in charge.
God has ultimate authority over everything in our lives and He could do whatever He wanted to do despite our wishes. But He chooses to give us the choice as to how we live and what we listen to. When people lose sight of God in their communities, they start to focus on the people who seem to have some element of strength and they may even follow them even if that means going against what they know is right.
God will always uphold righteousness and will always keep to His word no matter what we do, face up to or say. God wants us to be able to trust Him because He does not change. He wants us to know we can depend on His truth always. If we are willing to live up to that truth and promote it, we will be able to show people they too have a choice.
They may not choose God’s way when we introduce it to them because it may conflict with what they desire. People do not often make the right decisions when they are faced with free choice! I know I chose the wrong path when I had free choice – but I’m glad I came back to the right path eventually when it was shown to me once again. Maybe we are the next generation to show people what they know already but have chosen to ignore for now!
Points to Ponder:
What sort of person do people think you are?
Do you think God would agree?