Sunday 21 Mar 2021

March 21: Jeremiah 31:31-34
Key Verse: Jeremiah 31:31
‘The days are coming,’ declares the Lord, ‘when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah.
Who would have thought the Son of God would come down to live amongst us, die for us and be raised from death to show us the way forward which God promises here! Who would have thought these words would mean Jesus would come to live with us – we can look back on them now and realise what God meant, but often we find we hear things we don’t fully understand... not because we are not listening properly, but because we cannot comprehend the marvellous things God can do and does do for us!
When we hear from God, we almost always think back of the things we have done before and try to make sense of things from what we know already. Too many times we don’t hear the words “I am doing a new thing” when God say so.  
One day, when we are with God in Heaven, we will understand some of the things He has said to us in the bible. Some of the things written down for us still don’t make sense to us – because we are limiting God’s ability to our own thinking instead of allowing Him to expand our minds and hearts.
When I first went to work in deprived areas, I was worried whether I would be able to cope with this new work; but once you allow God to take control and allow Him to really guide you instead of trying to steer Him, then you can get to grips with what God wants in your life! It is not easy at first because it is often uncomfortable because we feel like we are not in control – that is exactly what God wants! He wants to be in control!
Points to Ponder:
Do you try to do your best for God?
Will you allow Him to change you?