Saturday 27 Mar 2021

March 27: John 11:45-53
Key Verse: John 11:51
He did not say this on his own, but as high priest that year he prophesied that Jesus would die for the Jewish nation
Here we go again – more people being put out by the fact Jesus was doing many wonders when they could not. Jesus was being open about it and encouraging people to seek the truth first of all. The chief priests and Pharisees were trying to keep order through fear and through sacrifices and keeping of the ancient laws (as well as the new laws they had added to the raft of laws)
Caiaphas, who was the high priest that year, knew God was going to allow a Messiah to come a die for the nation so they could be set free. Quite how it should happen seemed to confuse him somewhat as he encouraged the people to seek out this Jesus and to take His life so the prophesy would come true for them.
When we start doing our own things to try and hasten what Jesus has already promised, we will fall short of the mark and we may find out life becomes more difficult than it should. Our task is not to invent the work God should do, but to follow His instruction and do what He has said should happen and to allow it to happen according to God’s timing and not ours!
If we stand up for what God says we should, things will go a lot better than if we stand up and do what we think God wants. Following instruction can be difficult sometimes when we want things to happen quickly. We should not be put off by what others are saying and how others are saying it should happen – trust God and obey God!
Points to Ponder:
How often do you make things happen when it looks like they are taking too long?
Are you ready to wait on God and trust Him fully?