Saturday 3 Apr 2021

April 3: Matthew 27:57-61
Key Verse: Matthew 27:58
Going to Pilate, he asked for Jesus’ body, and Pilate ordered that it be given to him.
After the terrifying ordeal of Easter Friday when Jesus was crucified, people would have been divided as to what to do with the body; should they leave it there because it was such a position of shame, or should they do the right thing and take it away for burial? Joseph or Arimathea stepped forward and asked for the body of Jesus to be given to him for proper burial.
Not only this, but Joseph turned over His personal tomb (which he had no doubt paid a lot of money for) to Jesus’ burial. There was no doubt in his mind what should be done – the right thing! Joseph was willing to give everything he had stored up for Christ because of what Christ had just done for Him!
Too often in our lives we look at the things we have and we give a portion to God; a portion we can do without for a bit... This is not what God calls us to do. God calls us to be willing to give Him everything in our lives. If you remember when the rich man approached Jesus and asked how to get to heaven, Jesus said he had to sell everything – something he was not willing to do because he was so wealthy.
God is not going to demand we all sell everything and give it all away – what he is asking is that we are willing to do this if He asks. What He has lined up in Heaven for us is far and beyond anything we can comprehend on earth. He is not asking us to turn what we have so we can gain more in the end either... He is asking us to be willing to give everything should He ask. Joseph was willing and able – he did!
Points to Ponder:
Are you willing to give everything to God?
What will you hold back next time He asks?