Sunday 18 Apr 2021

April 18: Luke 24:44-49
Key Verse: Luke 24:45
Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.
One of the great things about our bibles is how they span such a vast time range and allow us to come to terms with what has already happened and what Jesus did for us. They also have explanations by Jesus of what the Old Testament meant, expanded history of His own life and a whole lot of promises of things to come!
For us to be able to understand half of what is written down, we need a special person to give us the insight we need and comprehension which would otherwise be impossible! God allowed Jesus to come and show us many things, but it is not Jesus who gives us a full understanding of what has happened and what is still to come – it is the Holy Spirit who God promised would come to support us when Jesus went back to Heaven!
Far too often we ignore the words the Holy Spirit tries to give us because we don’t like to listen to anything we can’t see! Jesus had to plainly tell the disciples what was going t happen to prepare them, and us, for what was going to come. This has all been written down for us to study, but because we like to see things to believe them we struggle with our own understanding.
God saw this in us and has given us so much to lay the foundation for what is to happen, what is to come. It is words like these from Jesus which help us now to be prepared to listen to the unseen – to listen to the Holy Spirit. This is something the world will always struggle with because they do not yet know these simple words from Christ. It takes time and it takes faith.
Points to Ponder:
How much faith do you have in the bible?
Will you try to listen to the Holy Spirit more?