Tuesday 20 Apr 2021

April 20: Luke 15:28-32
Key Verse: Luke 15:31
“My son,” the father said, “you are always with me, and everything I have is yours.
How often do you think God is not looking out for you? How often do you think Christ has forgotten about you? If we are all honest, we do have feelings like this, but, like this parable, I want to remind you of how much God continues to watch over you and be with you every step of your life.
When things are going well and we are living a good life, we often forget God is with us. When we are having a rough time, we often think God has forgotten about us and has allowed horrible things to come close to us! This is quite normal and has been like this for us much of our lives. Don’t feel despondent and think God has forgotten about you!
God sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to come to earth in human form and live amongst us to show us how much He knows us and how much He thinks of us. Many people who do not know Christ think Jesus was forgotten, forsaken and allowed to die because God was somehow not watching over Him. The truth is God was watching every step of the way and was crying just as much as Jesus and the disciples were. Let us rather ask why we had to put God through so much just because we had too much pride or greed to stop and listen!
God continues to be with us every step of the way, but we often lose sight of Him as we are far too busy with our lives and how much we think of ourselves! If we are too focused on ourselves and our own well-being, then we may not see how much God is trying to straighten things out for us. But the more we open our eyes to the truth, the more we see how much God continue to do for and with us every second of every day!
Points to Ponder:
How focused are you on your own life?
How focused are you on God?