Saturday 1 May 2021

May 1: John 14:6-14
Key Verse: John 14:13
And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
When the disciples started getting worried about what was going to happen to Jesus and that one of them was going to be the guilty one who would betray Him, Jesus did not reprimand them or cut them short; instead He comforted them with words which could only come from the Son of God!
Jesus made sure they understood there was no other way to get to be with God other than by accepting Him as the Son of God and asking everything through His name. He gave them a way to get their prayers answered; the only stipulation was the Father, God, should be given the glory for the answered prayer. You see, Jesus was not seeking glory for Himself, but glory for His Father in Heaven. Jesus was making sure they understood this as well.
But He also wanted them to know that they had seen God in person, because He is part of the God-Head (as we know it.) We cannot really explain how God can be three persons, but also be one. What Jesus was trying to give them was the answer before they tried to understand it – physically we cannot explain it nor come to the right conclusion. But, by faith, we can believe it and know it in our hearts.
This then gives us the power to lift up our prayers to God, by knowing He is listening through Jesus and through the Holy Spirit; because they are one and the same. The more we get to understand about why Jesus did things the way He did, the more we get to understand how we should be trying to live – so we too can draw closer to God every day and give Him all the glory when He answers our prayers!
Points to Ponder:
Do you struggle with God in three persons?
Why not settle to asking God through Jesus?