Thursday 6 May 2021

May 6: Psalm 139:1-6
Key Verse: Psalm 139:5
You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me.
I know when I was a very young lad, I used to feel happiest when someone was looking out for me, but as I grew into a young boy, I wanted to have some sort of freedom and didn’t want to be looked after all the time. But as you grow older and, hopefully wiser, you realise you are ultimately safer when you have someone who is watching over you – not because they will be able to prevent you falling off anything, but because they will be there if you do fall off!
The safety is not in knowing you are protected from breakage, comes in knowing there is someone close by who will be able to pick up the pieces and help with putting things back together! When we, as Christians, talk about feeling safe with God, it is not so much safe from being stupid, but safe in the knowledge that is we do mess up, God is going to be close at hand to help us put things back together again!
God knows everything about us – and because He is not limited by time as we are – He knows what is going to happen to us. Should we get a bit close to falling off the rails, He is going to try and encourage us to a position of safety before we fall off the rails. This is not going to stop us from being stupid and stepping off the rails!
Allow God to constantly guide and protect you. He does know what is in your heart. He does know what will happen before it happens. He does try to direct you to safer places... but if we are not going to listen, then we will not stay in those safer places by ourselves! God will try everything to make sure we are safe, including using the space around us as well as the people around us to keep us safe. This mind-blowing, knowing God can be totally in control if we let Him!
Points to Ponder:
Do you think you are a strong character?
Will you try to listen to God more?