Thursday 20 May 2021

May 20: Psalm 117:1-2
Key Verse: Psalm 117:1
Praise the Lord, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples.
If there was one thing I could wish for and see it come true, it would be for all nations around the world to come together and praise the Lord! If we were able to allow people in every country to freely come to God and worship, the world would be a much better place! Instead, we continue to have to endure countries who say they accept the freedom to worship but impose such restrictions to make life impossible for those who want to worship.
God sent Christ to this world to make the choice to believe a reality and open to all people, starting with His chosen people. If we look at modern society around the world, we may be pushed to believe the countries who claim to be followers of God do allow people the choice of following God! We see politics taking over religious places and organisations making them an extension to the political world instead of places where people can freely come to worship God!
God showed us His amazing love by creating a world for us to live on. He continued to show His love by maintaining this place in a hostile universe. He continued to show His love when people rejected Him and chose worldly temptations instead! He continues to show us His love despite the world doing some horrible things! Why? Because He loves us!
Because of His love, He continue to be faithful and just no matter what goes on in the world around us. We have the choice to believe or not to believe. In the Western world this choice is open and on the table. My fear is for the people who want to find God in their countries where they would be persecuted for doing anything the governments cannot control – they cannot and never will control God! Choose God, choose freedom and pray for those who are stuck behind enemy lines!
Points to Ponder:
What one thing would you prayer for right now?
Undecided? Will you join me in prayer for the world-wide freedom to worship?