Tuesday 25 May 2021

May 25: John 15:26-27
Key Verse: John 15:27
And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning.
Before Jesus went to the cross, He tried to make sure the disciples were ready for what was to come. We cannot see the future and we have to work with the here and now, making decisions which will affect the future – which can seem daunting when we live each day as it happens. But God promised to help us by making sure we had a constant companion who would be able to guide us all the time.
Jesus tells the disciples here the Holy Spirit will come to be with them after He goes, not because Jesus was going to leave a ghost behind, but because God made the promise in the beginning, a promise to make sure we have someone with us at all times!
This does not mean we can leave it all to the Holy Spirit; after all it is the Holy Spirit who explains God to people, from the inside out. Jesus warned the disciples they would have to knuckle down and be like the Holy Spirit, testifying to others. This means stopping and talking to people, allowing them to see what it means to live as a Christian... not some person who thinks they are more righteous than others, but someone who is willing to show others a God who cares for them from the inside out!
We have a task ahead of us, one which God has entrusted us with, just as Jesus told the disciples, so to is He telling us to be faithful witnesses for Him. Sometimes this may seem like being out of your comfort zone, but why not start to look at it as a opportunity each time. Not an opportunity to push the bible down someone’s throat, but a chance to ask if you can do something for them. Why not ask them if you can pray for them, or just help them do what they are doing...
Points to Ponder:
Do you worry you cannot tell people about God effectively?
Why not show them a bit how Jesus lived?