Sunday 30 May 2021

May 30: Isaiah 6:1-8
Key Verse: Isaiah 6:8
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’
I love reading the descriptions of the Lord and angels in the Old Testament. They are so out of this world at times and yet so personal at times. This passage from Iasiah tells of the splendour of our Lord and the seraphim who were over Him, reminding us of the days when the Ark of the Covenant was taken everywhere to show the people God was with them... mankind has always sought some sort of visual aid to remind us the Lord is with us!
Many times now we use the cross as a reminder of the things the Lord has done and how He promised to always be with us after His death, burial and resurrection. It was no different back then as people looked for various descriptions of the majesty and splendour of God to make sure they never forgot His position in their lives!
We must never forget His majesty, splendour and power; we must never forget His humanity and closeness at all times. We must never forget His promises or the demonstration of all He has done for and with us. And then we must also remember what has caused all the problems He came to fix and to pay for with His life – our sins and giving into temptations!
But, throughout all of this, our focus must be on what Jesus did to set us free and to allow us to be closer to God at all times. No matter the debt we owe due to our sins, Christ has done enough for you and I to ensure we have a place in Heaven close to God. We must remember God is Holy and just, but loved us so much He sent His Son to be the ultimate sacrifice which would cover all our sins and set us free! What are we going to do in return?
Points to Ponder:
Do you make light of Christ’s life?
We must remember what Christ has done and step forward saying “here I am!”