Friday 11 Jun 2021

June 11: Isaiah 42:5-12
Key Verse: Isaiah 42:6
I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles,
This chapter in Isaiah and the following one mean so much to me because of the work I have done in the past which has largely been done because of the wording in these two chapters – so here we go with a snippet from this chapter.
When God spoke to Isaiah, it was always with great intention and He depended on Isaiah taking those words and giving them to the people. How much the people listened is debatable! The fact these words have been scribed and continue to mean so much to people even now, thousands of years after they were given to man means they were very important to God and it took a prophet like Isaiah to make sure they would remain in peoples hearts and minds over time.
God calls us into righteousness – just as He called Isaiah to make sure these words were remembered and told to the people, He calls us to take these words and spread them amongst all people. Not just the Jews but to all people who are willing to listen to God’s instructions. God created us and continues to support us in so many ways – it is right for us to continue to support Him by spreading His words.
This was the promise God made to all people; something we often forget as we focus on the Jews and not the rest of the world. It was meant to be an inspiration to all mankind; meant to open the eyes and hearts of all people and to allow the broken, poor and segregated to be a part of our lives. Gone are the days when He would focus only on His chosen race, here we focus on God getting His word to all mankind!
Points to Ponder:
Do you often feel left out of society?
If society walks away from God, who will you follow – them or God?