Monday 28 Jun 2021

June 28: Mark 5:25-31
Key Verse: Mark 5:31
‘You see the people crowding against you,’ his disciples answered, ‘and yet you can ask, “Who touched me?”’

In the gospel reading at church yesterday we heard about Jesus being begged by Jairus to come and heal his daughter who was very ill. Jairus was one of the synagogues leaders. Did this stop Jesus from going to help him? Not at all. Jesus wanted to show people He thought of everyone, from the poorest to the richest, from the most insignificant to the most well-known – Jesus did not choose people according to their positions in society or even in the church.
But in amongst this time when He was being called to go and help Jairus, a woman who had an issue with constantly bleeding for twelve years takes centre stage for a few seconds! She was a complete unknown other than being known by some as the woman with the issue... She was able to move around the crowd without causing mayhem like someone with leprosy would – instead she slowly made her way close enough so she could reach out and touch the tip of Jesus clothes!
It was her firm belief which gave her the strength to make it through the crowd and touch the gown. Ordinarily nobody would have noticed her, seen her reaching out to touch Jesus or even bothered she was not well – they were all too busy trying to either defend Jesus against the push of the crowd, or crowd in so they could see Jesus! But as soon as she touched His clothes, she knew she had and Jesus knew it too!
It was her belief which caused Jesus to notice. Jesus was looking into the hearts of the people around Him all the time and feeling what people felt; I’m sure His heart was going out to many people in that crowd – but His focus was on this single woman for a few seconds. He called her out and she had the courage to say “here I am!”
Points to Ponder:
Do you have enough faith to call out to Jesus?
Will you answer Him if He asks for you?