Tuesday 6 Jul 2021

July 6: Ezekiel 2:3-8
Key Verse: Ezekiel 2:7
You must speak my words to them, whether they listen or fail to listen, for they are rebellious.
Do you like speaking to people who don’t bother to listen? I’m pretty sure we all can agree on thinking it is not worth speaking to people who are not going to listen! But notice what God is saying to Ezekiel here – and this goes for the rest of us too. God wants us to step forward and tell people about Him even though we know some people are not going to listen!
Why would God ask us to do something we think is going to be futile? He is telling us this because He promised us the whole world will be given the chance to listen to His Word and make up their own mind whether we believe in Him or not... But if we are not willing to tell other people, how will they get to hear about Him?
We are all part of God’s plan and we should be willing to step up and do our part for Him when He calls us. Sometimes that is going to see futile. Sometimes it is going to see like harder work than we can do... But He alone knows what is possible and what we are capable of – He alone knows what is best for us and the people around us.
God asked Ezekiel to step forward amongst a people who were actively rejecting God! He asked him to step into what could be described as a pit of scorpions! Now I am thankful He does not ask all of us to do this – otherwise many of us would never end up talking to anyone – especially to our friends and relative... amongst whom will be the hardest people to talk to because they think they know us better than God!
Points to Ponder:
Are you willing to listen to God?
Will you still listen if it sounds like hard work?