Saturday 10 Jul 2021

July 10: Matthew 9:14-15
Key Verse: Matthew 9:14
Then John’s disciples came and asked him, ‘How is it that we and the Pharisees fast often, but your disciples do not fast?’
How many time have people stopped you to ask why you are not doing something the way they think Christians should be acting? If it is none, then are you acting like a stereotypical Christian, or are you following what God wants you to do in your life? Sometimes we get too caught up in the way we think we should act and we lose focus on what God wants from us in our lives.
We need to be lights for Jesus – this is not to say we have to be Jesus in the eyes of others, but we should be shining like Jesus did. Jesus set Himself apart from the people because He did things differently. Not because He wanted to rebel, but because He wanted people to see He was not the same as everyone else.
When we say we should be lights for Jesus we should be more of a reflection of what Jesus was like – not as someone who follows an exact set of rules and will not change, but someone who takes into account the people and places around them and does what is right!
Jesus wants us to set ourselves aside from the worldly ways of the people around us and to make people stop and think why we are doing things the way we are! If we simply do as others have done all along, then we are not following the will of God but rather the rules as others think they should be followed...
Points to Ponder:
Do you follow rules for rules sake?
Will you do what God wants you to do instead today?