Friday 23 Jul 2021

July 23: Psalm 27:1-3
Key Verse: Psalm 27:1
The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life – of whom shall I be afraid?
How much do you actually trust God? I know when things go wrong we all turn to God and beg Him for mercy or peace, but how much of that is out of desperation and how much is that out of faith and trust in Him? I admit I have faltered when things have not gone my way. I admit I have got things wrong and thought more of myself at times when I should have been thinking more of God... But I’m human...
We can see many places in our bibles where King David has trusted God when all else was failing. We can also see times when he trusted his own decisions instead of God’s will. I guess that makes him human too!
Here we have a reminder of how much David trusted God. You can deduct from this he was probably thinking back on what God had done for him when he called out for help. This is what we should be doing as well – looking back over our lives and seeing the times when God had a hand in things and they went according to a greater plan than our own plan!
I can look back at times in my life, many of those in the past three years, where God had made it possible for things to happen when everyone around was saying it was impossible. I can also remember pleading with God on those occasions to do things because nobody else could. I know from my own experience God answers prayers and His love for us all is shown time and time again.
Points to Ponder:
How often do you ask God for help?
How many of those times did you trust God to help?