Sunday 25 Jul 2021

July 25: Psalm 145:1-7
Key Verse: Psalm 145:4
One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts.
The psalmist writes of just a few of the reasons to worship and praise God – the more we get to know God and the more we live with Him in our lives, the more we can join in with the praise and worship because we will see the reasons too! And it should not just be on the days where something goes right, but every day of our lives because every day is another day gifted to us by God!
I don’t think we will ever get to understand just how much God does – even when we get to Heaven and see all the glory which awaits us. His acts will continue to amaze us and to surprise us – even when we expect them! No matter how many times we say He answers our prayers, we still get excited (or at least I do) when we have a prayer answered... because we cannot comprehend why a God would care for us!
The verse I have focussed on here is the passing of the knowledge of and about God from one generation to another. Back in the early days of the Israelites, they would tell their stories over and over again to their children so they would know of the things God has done for them. Nowadays we tend to rely on things like the internet to pass on that knowledge – gone are the days of writing things down so it seems!
It is important we pass on our love of God to the people around us, whether they be our friends and families or others just willing to stop and talk. The more we praise and worship our God, the greater our zeal becomes, and the more others will be intrigued by this love we have for our God. The more people are intrigued, the more willing they will be to stop and listen – this is when we can pass on the love we have to others!
Points to Ponder:
Do others see your love for God through what you say?
Do others see your love for God through what you do?