Monday 2 Aug 2021

August 2: Ephesians 4:7-16
Key Verse: Ephesians 4:16
From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.
Have you ever wondered why Jesus chose the disciples which he chose? Why were they not all the same? Why were they not all priests or priests in learning? Why were they the local lads? Christ chooses a wide range of people to do the things they do. He chooses people to be the apostle, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, but He also chooses the work people who do the physical jobs...
We need a wide range of people to work together to form a community. We don’t need a police force who will tell us ever step we need to make. We don’t need an army to bully us into doing things. We don’t need rich people to pay for everything... We need a wide range of different people all with very different skills to come together and work as one body!
Jesus chose the disciples based on what he knew they would become and what they could do – even though they did not know it yet! Jesus continues to choose people to work for and with Him. Some of those people will raise your eyebrows and some may even make you run in the opposite direction... But when you get to see what they can do for God, then you will see why God chose them!
I am say I have met a whole range of people who do some serious work for God. They take the name of Jesus with them in ways you would not think possible. They reach out to the people who make you run the other way. They know they are not good enough, but they know that with Christ they can do remarkable things.
Points to Ponder:
Who is the most surprising Christians you have met?
Will you stand firm in God’s teaching and step forward to help today?