Friday 6 Aug 2021

August 6: Psalm 97:1-6
Key Verse: Psalm 97:6
The heavens proclaim his righteousness, and all peoples see his glory.
Have you ever said you would prefer to live in the past? Have you ever wondered how good it would be to live when Jesus was walking amongst us? Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to be wandering through the desert with God? Sometimes we do paint a very rosy picture of how the world was back then and we tend to ignore the everyday things.
Our bibles are full of descriptions of how people either obeyed God or disobeyed Him, but not too many pictures painted about everyday life back then. Let’s look at some of the basics we take for granted in the Western world... How about running water? We tend to forget these people would have had to search hard for water and dig wells to reach it in many cases. Some of these wells are known by the people who started them and in some cases who dedicated them to God.
What do you do with the everyday things you have in your life? Do you just take things for granted and live as best you can, or do you thank God for allowing you to live as you do in these times? I know I continue to thank God for the time I was able to spend in hospital here in the UK because of the amazing care I received by amazing people, many of whom I found to be Christians too!
Will you take the everyday and make a point of showing or telling others your God is amazing because He has allowed you to live with these things? Will you tell people of the amazing things God does in your life from the most mundane looking breaths of life to the amazing answered prayers? People need to know!  
Points to Ponder:
Do you tell people what God does for you?
Will you give God a bit more glory today?