Wednesday 25 Aug 2021

August 25: Proverbs 18:10-14
Key Verse: Proverbs 18:10
The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.
The people of this world who are full of false pride soon meet up with the reality of the world and their pride is dashed to pieces. The rich and wealthy look to their money as their safe haven, but if that should falter in any way they feel like their world is collapsing in on them; much the same as the people full of their own pride. But we have a safe haven in Christ which cannot be broken down and cannot be removed by anything from this world.
If a proud person has anything happen which causes them to doubt themselves, their world collapses in on itself. If the rich person has cause to doubt their financial stability, they feel like things are going to collapse. If we, as Christians, doubt our faith, we too feel like the faith we have is crashing down around us... But therein is the difference, the pride of the proud is dashed and cracked; the finances of the rich melt away, but Christ remains strong and a firm foundation we can go back to when we realise it is just our faith and nothing more which is at fault!
We need to remember God is above all else and will never be brought down by any of His creation; and since He created us all, we cannot bring Him down. What do can do and seem to do far too often is bring down the faith of the people around us by doing stupid things and doubting ourselves. We have no reason to doubt God!
When we get sick, we often can get through it and come out the other side feeling much better and even stronger. But when our faith is tested, when our spirits are broken, we find it very difficult to come back without a lot of help. Christ is here waiting to help us no matter what we have gone through!
Points to Ponder:
How often do you feel spiritually down?
How long does it take you to be encouraged by God's Word again?