Tuesday 14 Sep 2021

September 14: Galatians 6:12-16
Key Verse: Galatians 6:13
Not even those who are circumcised keep the law, yet they want you to be circumcised that they may boast about your circumcision in the flesh.
Do you struggle with people who try to convert you from doing things your way to doing things their way? Many people have this idea about churches because there are churches who try to make you change your way to fit into their way – just so they can boast about how they converted you!
This is not what Christ asks of you and not what He has taught us either. Christ wants us to be open and honest about what He has done for us in our lives so we can be a witness to the way Christ has changed us. He continues to give each one of us a free choice as to what we do – there are commandments and there are laws written down in our bibles... but we have the choice as to whether we apply them in our lives or not. We do not have the right to apply them in other people's lives!
Try telling people how Christ has changed your life and allow them to see you are a better person because of what Christ encouraged you to do. Remind them it is your life and you chose it. God may have created us and He may have given us the bible to allow us to see how we should be living our lives – but it is our choice!
Whether we actually break the laws or not is not going to include us or exclude us from a life with Christ. He asks us to change our lives so we are a positive witness or example of how Christians should live; He asks us this so we are an example for others to make their own minds up with. If we break all the rules, they will see us as just another earthly person and not as a child of God trying to live for Him!
Points to Ponder:
What example are you to others?
Will you try to be a positive role model for others?