Wednesday 29 Sep 2021

September 29: Psalms 103:19-22
Key Verse: Psalms 103:20
Praise the Lord, you his angels, you mighty ones who do his bidding, who obey his word.

One of the things we learn from the scriptures is how many beings there are who already worship God with everything they are; and I'm not talking about people but the angels and heavenly hosts who have more power than we know. They choose to follow God and to obey Him. They still have the choice, but they have chosen to worship God because they can and they know it is best for them!
We have nothing compared to them and yet we think we can choose to ignore God and to do things by ourselves instead. Why? Because we don't have the knowledge or wisdom to understand just who God is – so we go with what we know and all we know is what we see and hear here on earth!
Let us put aside our earthly ways and set up a new life following God in heavenly ways, with faith. When we submit to Him our earthly ways and allow Him to guide us with His heavenly ways, we will begin to see just how much God does for us and how much He cares for us.
So what is God asking us to do? Is He asking us to be His slaves and do everything even if it is hurting us? No! He is asking us to trust Him with everything we have – to lay it all on the table and allow Him to guide us forward. He does want what is best for us, but, because He gives us free will to choose our ways, He does not control us like slaves...
Points to Ponder:
Are you willing to trust God?
Will you trust Him with more today?