Friday 1 Oct 2021

October 1: Luke 10:13-17
Key Verse: Luke 10:17
The seventy-two returned with joy and said, ‘Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name.’
When Jesus sent out those other disciples to go and teach the gospel, they came back to Him with great news about how many people were believing the truth – even demons were submitting to the truth! So what is the truth? This truth they were talking about was how Jesus had come to be our Saviour and He is the Son of God.
We all have a choice we can make, to believe this truth or to reject it. If we act like we don't care and say we haven't made up our minds, we have already chosen not to believe it. What happens if Christ returns before we make up our minds?
When Jesus sent out these seventy two people, it was not a test to see who would believe and who would not, but another chance for the people who had already chosen to wait and see, or to wait for more proof! Or worse still, had chosen not to believe God would allow His Son to come to earth like He had promised! These people wanted to believe in earthly things instead of what God can do.
Jesus' response to this was to warn others of the pending doom of these people. Jesus has given us free choice – but if we actively put off that choice, we are choosing to not believe for the moment! The warning was dire and once we should not ignore for our own sakes... time to step forward and tell others about this truth to give them another chance to make the right choice before it is too late.
Points to Ponder:
Do you like giving people another chance?
How many times will you give people the chance to know Christ?