Friday 15 Oct 2021

October 15: Proverbs 4:20-22
Key Verse: Proverbs 4:22
for they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body.
Too many times we set our eyes on the things of the world instead on the things of God. We like to think we are doing the right thing because this is what the world says or because lots of other people do them... just because lots of other people do things does not make them right! We can go back just a few decades and find out many things were done which we frown at today because we now know they are wrong – but everyone did them back then...

God set about giving us a whole lot of rules to live by, rules which, at that time were looked at as being right and correct. A few generations later and mankind begins to think they are too hard to follow. A few hundred years later and we put our own rules in place so we would not have to follow those rules. A few thousand years later people are beginning to try and fix things because we seem to have lost our way.
God tried to remind us of those rules, not as things which break humanity, but as things which bring us all together as a community. Nothing has changed in those rules, but we have changed and we try to make sense of things according to how we live today. What we should be doing is trying to make sense of our lives according to what God said and not what people say God said!
Jesus came to remind us of those rules and to remind us God set them for a reason; we just got things wrong and made up our own versions of those rules. If we gave time to studying what God said and why He said things, we would understand more of how He wants us to live and we would be able to live a better life!
Points to Ponder:
Do you blindly follow the rules?
Will you spend time to understand why God gave us His rules?