Sunday 24 Oct 2021

October 24: Mark 10:46-52
Key Verse: Mark 10:48
Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, ‘Son of David, have mercy on me!’
What does it take before you listen? Do you have to get into trouble? Do you have to get to the end of your tether? Do you have to hit rock bottom? Sometimes we get so tangled up in the world we lose sight of what God is asking us to do and the only way to get back on track is to lose our way...
Bartimaeus was a blind man who was sitting by the roadside. He had probably been there a while and when he heard it was Jesus coming by, he shouted out for help. His help was not like the other people who may have been in crowds, but rather it had a desperation which went beyond that. He was being open and honest with Christ!
We need it stop with being caught up in ourselves and in the world. We need to open up our lives to Christ, not just by asking Him into our lives, but by giving Him control. Bartimaeus had nothing to lose so gave what little he had left to Christ. He humbled himself before Jesus.
God does not want a bunch of charismatic people who can turn the world upside down with their chatting, singing, performing or even money; God wants people who are willing to give whatever they have to Him and be willing to obey Him. When Jesus saw this in the blind man, He changed his life by giving him his sight back – the only condition being he should continue to give everything to Christ by following Him!
Points to Ponder:
Do you work hard to be a good missionary?
Will you give up what you have to obey God?