Wednesday 27 Oct 2021

October 27: Deuteronomy 32:1-4
Key Verse: Deuteronomy 32:2
Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants.
I love the words used here ; to me it describes a very natural thing which should not be extraordinary but rather ordinary! No, I am not calling the Word of God ordinary because it is not, but why should we look at it as being something unheard of instead of commonplace?
God wants us to be Christians, not to stand out from the crowd and be noticed as someone doing something which is unheard of, but to be seen as someone doing what they should always do. So how do we get to the point where God’s Word is normal in our lives? By making sure we include it in everything we do and all the time. This way we will be able to see it as normal and share it as if it is normal too!
The rain falls from the sky – we see it as perfectly natural. But to someone who has not heard of it or see it, it would be very strange... seeing this water falling from the sky! No matter where in the world we are, we probably see the morning dew at some stage in our lives and we get to learn it appears at dawn. It becomes natural.
We should be sharing the Word of God as if it was totally natural in our lives. We should praise God as if it is the right things to do – always! He has been here for us from the beginning and continues to be here for us no matter what happens in life. He is as firm as the rocks which make up a mountain. His word continues to be true no matter what we go through in our lives. God continues to do what is right and we should expect Him to always do what is right!
Points to Ponder:
Do you treat God’s Word as something special?
Shouldn’t you be treating it as purely natural instead?