Monday 21 Feb 2022

February 21: Psalm 119:65-72

Key Verse: Psalm 119:67
Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I obey your word.

What does it take before you start believing someone? Do things have to go wrong before you heed their warnings? Do you have to fall flat on your face before you realise you need help? Unfortunately the answer is “probably” for many of us because we cannot seem to have faith in what we say we believe in!

We have so many places in our bibles where we learn how people have had to have something wrong, typically drastic circumstances, before they start believing in what someone told them or what God has asked of them! I know I fall into that category… I used to think my faith was strong and many people would comment on me being faithful and trusting God – but when I was close to dying in hospital a few years ago, my faith was tested and found wanting!

But God put the right people in the right places at the right time for me to find strength in what faith I had and to allow it to grow further than it had been before! God knows the right time and place and He certainly will not allow us to fall flat on our faces if He knows we will not endure. Yes, it was hard, yes it was fearful, yes I did doubt, but God made sure I would come out the other side and know Him as a very close and personal God!

When we get used to things going the right way, we may well become complacent and expect God to continue supporting us all the time; He may be waiting for the right moment for us to see how much strength He has given us to weather the storm! When things are rough, we can become calloused and think we have to do it alone; but God may be waiting for us to pass the ball into His court for the final volley!

Points to Ponder:
Do you always trust God?

Will you trust Him to do what is right?