Thursday 10 Mar 2022

March 10: Matthew 7:7-12

Key Verse: Matthew 7:7
‘Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

Have there been times in your life when you have dared not ask for something in your prayers just because you think it is not possible, or not probable and you didn’t want to be disappointed? That is not the way God works – He is the God of the impossible and will answer prayers according to His perfect way. If we do not ask, then how will He answer your prayers?

We cannot really imagine just how awesome God is and how much he wants to do for us – but when we start asking for the things which seem impossible and He answers, then we begin to see a new side of God answering the impossible! Don’t hold back on your prayers because you think you don’t deserve it. Don’t hold back because you have done things wrong in the past. Open up your heart and humbly ask God to answer your prayers.

When someone asks us to do something and we do it, it is either because we want to do it or because we can do it. If someone asks us to do something impossible, we generally would tell them it is not possible, but help them out in ways we can. When we bring our prayers to God, we cannot imagine anything which is impossible for Him to answer. Ask!

I love to do things for others, I like helping out where I can and if someone asks I would rather say yes than no. But if someone does not ask, I get a bit lost because I am not very good at telling people’s needs without talking to them and them opening up to me. Now, whilst God does know everything, He would rather you open up to Him and tell Him about everything before you ask.

Points to Ponder:
How many people do things for you without asking?

How many people do things for you because you asked?