Sunday 27 Mar 2022

March 27: Luke 15:11-20

Key Verse: Luke 15:14
After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in that whole country, and he began to be in need.

This parable of the lost son is pretty well known and so is the message it gives us, no matter what we have done, God still loves us and He will welcome us home in open arms if we come back… But something else struck me when I read through these verses to write these words for us: When we are blessed by God, or are living a blessed life, we often lose our way and run off the rails a bit!

When the one son heard about the inheritance, all he could think about was the money and what he could do with it! If we are not careful in our lives, we will take the blessings God allows us to have and we will focus on them instead of the one who has given us those blessings! When we focus on those worldly things instead of the things of God, we run full on into the world instead of into God’s arms.

It is only when we realise we have nothing without God we see just how blessed we were to have Him in our lives to start with. We then think about all the other people who God is blessing and we can even get jealous about it! That pulls us further down the rabbit hole of wanting earthly goods instead of wanting God in our lives…

The son in this parable had to realise he had a much better life when he was with his father. He had to realise the people who were with his father, even though they were servants, were is a much better position than he was. When we realise the people who stick with God are in a better place than us, we may finally realise just how far we have gone away from God and turn back to Him. He will be waiting with open arms!

Points to Ponder:
Do you thank God for your blessings?

Will you try to focus more on God in your life?