Sunday 10 Apr 2022

April 10: Luke 22:14-20

Key Verse: Luke 22:20
In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.

When Jesus sat down at the last Passover meal He would have with the disciples, He instituted what we follow today in our Holy Communion services. Jesus knew this was going to be the last Passover and He wanted it to be special. He knew He was facing punishment, betrayal and finally crucifixion, not because He deserved it, but because we deserve it for all the sins we have done before God!

Jesus took the container of wine He had and told the disciples to share it out amongst them all. He wanted every person around the table to take part in this Passover, not just the feast side of things but the sharing of this wine and bread which would take on a new significance for all of us to come.

Jesus took the bread and He gave thank to God for allowing them to have it in the first place. But sharing a loaf of bread was something they had probably done before, so Jesus made it that much more special by saying they should think of it as His body which was going to be given to them as a sacrifice to cover all sin. Jesus was giving it freely just as He was giving the bread freely.

Then Jesus took the cup of wine He had and asked God’s blessing on it just as He had done with the bread. This was now going to be remembered as the new covenant in His blood… not His blood, but a reminder of the promise He was making which would end in the shedding of His blood in their stead; in our stead.

He did this all in preparation for what was to follow, demonstrating His absolute love for us!

Points to Ponder:
What do you do before you eat and drink?

Will you remember what Christ did for you in future?