Saturday 23 Apr 2022

April 23: Psalm 118:14-21

Key Verse: Psalm 118:18
The Lord has chastened me severely, but he has not given me over to death.

What happens when you give someone control who is more than capable of doing the job in hand – normally things work out pretty well and a successful time is had by all. But if we rebel against the person in charge and continue to want to do things our way instead of the right way, we get into all manner of problems!

This is what it is like when we try to do things our own way in our lives instead of giving control to God when He needs control! He is the one who does know what is best for us and what needs to happen at the selected times – we are the one running round in circles thinking we are doing it right! We should not be surprised to see we have a hard time when we try to take control from God!

When you look around you and see the results of what happens to others when they get the right help at the right time, you may be discouraged because things are not going your way when you try! Stop and think “why are they having great success when I am not?” Is it because they are doing the right things and allowing God to have control of the situation?

God is not going to run us ragged and make us have a bad time when we listen to Him. He is trying to do what is best for us and is trying to make sure we do get to enjoy ourselves along the way. He loves us! He wants what is best for us! His love for us will not end! If we are going through hard times, just maybe it is because we are not following God, or the people around us are not following God – we still get affected when others don’t follow God too!

Points to Ponder:
Do you think you are good at following God?

Do you encourage others to follow God too?