Monday 25 Apr 2022

April 25: Acts 15:35-41

Key Verse: Acts 15:39
They had such a sharp disagreement that they parted company. Barnabas took Mark and sailed for Cyprus

Have you ever wondered why churches split up or people leave one church to go to another? It is all part of being human and having our own faults. We try to hide our feeling at times because we are afraid we may hurt someone or we may be hurt ourselves. We try to go along with what other people are saying even though we think it is wrong. We make mistakes; not just us, but all of us, everyone, church leaders included!

We see many references to how the chief priests and religious leaders at the time went against what the disciples were learning as the truth. We may even wonder why they could not see the truth. If we place ourselves in their shoes, then maybe we would not see how the disciples were trying to do what is right – we may only see them as troublemakers.

It takes context and more knowledge than we have to see what really happens – too much of the time what we see as being right and wrong are jaded by our surroundings and by the people around us. Because we are all human and because we all make mistakes, we should be more aware of others and more aware of what can go wrong, both in our lives and in others lives!

Paul and Barnabas had a major disagreement because they had their own ideas about what should be done. Barnabas wanted to give Mark another chance to prove himself. Paul was in no mood to let that happen. Something so little caused a major argument which ended up in them parting company! This is life and we have to learn how to cope with circumstances like this so we can move forward. What we need to do is to put aside our own feeling and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us… and that is hard!

Points to Ponder:
Do you have strong ideas about what should happen in your church?

Are you willing to allow the Holy Spirit to guide you even when others will not?