Wednesday 27 Apr 2022

April 27: Acts 5:17-26

Key Verse: Acts 5:23
‘We found the jail securely locked, with the guards standing at the doors; but when we opened them, we found no one inside.’

I wonder, have you experienced anything out of the ordinary happen to you while God was in charge? Too much of our lives are spent trying to make sense of things and defining what can and cannot happen according to the laws of science. Well, there is a whole lot more to life than just science and there are things which will happen where we will not be able to explain it away with science, history, common sense or whatever!

The high priest and his associates who were all members of the Sadducees were filled with jealousy because the Apostles were taking so much attention away from them; focus was being placed directly on Jesus, the man whom they had condemned to death, the same man who God brought back to life so we would have a way of paying for our sin debt once and for all!

God was with the apostles and protected them no matter what was happening at this stage because He knew they had a task to fulfil. God knew when they were going to be taken and He knew it would be the same ruling party who would condemn the apostles to death just as they did to Jesus. But before then, they had a job to do – to open the eyes of the people so they could see the truth despite the corruption of the leaders!

God took them directly out of jail without them having to break out, open the doors or even creep past the guards. The captain of the temple guards could not explain it, but I’m sure he got to know about it after people started telling others about how God freed the apostles.

Points to Ponder:
Do you cling to what you know?

Will you trust God to do something impossible for you?