Saturday 30 Apr 2022

April 30: Acts 6:1-4

Key Verse: Acts 6:3
Brothers and sisters, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them

How many times have you failed at doing something because you either ran out of time or strength to accomplish the task? We are human and we have to be able to work within our physical strengths; we cannot hope to work continually without rest or to continue helping and supporting others if we do not get help and support ourselves! God stopped and made sure He had a day of rest as an example to us.

But rest is not just the physical act of stopping work and sleeping. Rest and recuperation is the act of stepping away from the work we are doing and either doing something we enjoy or physical rest. Sometimes just being able to escape away from the rigours of work will help more than we realise.

When the disciples recognised they were being over worked and some people were missing out on the due care and attention they should have been getting, they made the bold choice to take on more staff to help out with the work. A church cannot be carried by the priest in charge or any single person. A church must be people working together to further God’s work in the community.

We are the church. The people are the church. If we do not act together and help each other out, then someone doing all the work will get too tired and miss out on doing what is required. God wants us to share responsibilities when needed and when it is better for the church and community.

Points to Ponder:
What do you do in your church?

Are you willing to step forward and help?