Wednesday 1 Jun 2022

June 1: Acts 20:28-31

Key Verse: Acts 20:28
Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.

Do you know what it is to be a disciple? Being a disciple is not just following Jesus and learning everything you can from Him… Being a disciple means seeking Christ, learning, listening, obeying and then taking this new-found knowledge and love and sharing it with more people around you; encouraging them to find out more, learn, listen and obey. Being a disciple is an ongoing task which Christ is asking you to do and the Holy Spirit it guiding you to do.

Yes, you heard me right – the Holy Spirit is teaching you and guiding you. That means trying to listen out for and to the Holy Spirit. That still small voice which you know is the Spirit; not the loud shouting of the world around you or the savage wolves who are trying to hide the voice of the Spirit…

It is our task to look after the flock of the Shepherd – Jesus is our Shepherd and the flock belong to Him. We have been given the task to look after them. Sometimes that is going to be teaching and talking, sometimes it is going to be sitting by their sides. There will be times when you are just called to sit quietly close to them so they know God through your presence.

Sometimes it will be stepping forward to grab a hold of a hand reaching out for help; a hand which is clutching at anything they can reach. Jesus sends us to the right time and place when we listen so we can be there for the right person at the right time. They are going to be the next disciple in the chain of events.

Points to Ponder:
How often do you reach out to people in need?

Will you try to listen to the prompting of the Spirit to find out where He wants you?