Wednesday 16 Nov 2022

November 16: Luke 19:11-28

Key Verse: Luke 19:14
‘But his subjects hated him and sent a delegation after him to say, “We don’t want this man to be our king.”

This is one of those parables which Jesus told people, whether this was said twice in slightly different format or whether the disciples remember it differently, we can work out a lot from looking into it. So there was this important guy who was going away for something important and he gave charge of parts of his land or investments to three other people… That's about the gist of it!

In this account the people who were put in charge did not want this person to return with even more power; maybe they were secretly hoping he would never return! But he did! They did not know when he was going to return, just that they were told he would return. Sound familiar? It should do because Jesus has promised to return at a time unknown and he has left us, the people, in charge of things!

So what are we doing with the responsibility Jesus has given us. Have we buried the gospel and are hoping to bring it out just as He returns so we have something to show? Have we worked a bit and played a bit and generally done a half baked job? Or have we committed our ways to spreading the gospel through our actions and our words?

Jesus has given us charge of a very important task. The ball is in our court and He is watching to see what we are going to do with it. The time is now. The opportunities are endless. The chance is ours to take or to discard!

Points to Ponder:
Have you taken God at His word?

Or are you waiting for something to happen first?