Thursday 24 Nov 2022

November 24: Isaiah 41:11-13

Key Verse: Isaiah 41:12
Though you search for your enemies, you will not find them. Those who wage war against you will be as nothing at all.

If you had asked me “what is the hardest thing to do as a Christian” when I first became a Christian, I would have answered it is to fully trust God and rely on Him for everything. Nowadays I do find it a whole lot easier to do after having to do exactly that over the past few years. God is Good!

It may not seem like these words are coming true when we are faced with an enemy who is getting the better of us… Why do they continue to succeed when our world seems to be falling apart! Again a question which is much easier to ask than to answer. I now answer this question with patience. Often we are too impatient and we expect God to do everything before we get into deep water; sometimes it is the deep water which will teach us to trust in Him more and to devote our lives to His will and His ways.

Sometimes we just want to find out who our enemies are so we can avoid them, or worse, do something to them! This is not God’s way. His way is to allow them to see their own folly but not to judge them. If we judge them, then surely they are allowed to judge us and we know we have done things wrong so we know we are going to get into trouble!

If we are willing and we fully trust in Christ our King, then we will get to see w whole new side of life where justice does prevail. God may want us to wait for the justice because our vision is clogged with ill feelings and judgement. God may want us to see how bad things can get before they get better so we will not be afraid of those things; remember, He is with us!

Points to Ponder:
Do you give in because things are not going your way?

Will you be a bit more patient with God today?