Tuesday 13 Dec 2022

December 13: Matthew 21:28-32

Key Verse: Matthew 21:30
Then the father went to the other son and said the same thing. He answered, “I will, sir,” but he did not go.

How often do you put things off? How often have you said you were going to do something for God and not got round to doing it? I don’t want you to drop everything and go off and do something without thinking about the consequences – but God does ask you to do things now and again. When He does ask, we should be willing to listen. We may start off by saying we are too busy or we don’t want to, but our answer should be “yes Lord!” in the end, just like the son who was asked to do something by his father.

Our Father in Heaven does not need to ask us to do anything because He is more than capable of doing everything, but He does stop and ask us from time to time. Why do you think He does that? God the Father knows our shortcomings and our faults, and yet He still stops to ask us to do things for Him from time to time. This is because He knows we are capable of doing what He ask and He wants us to be able to grow into better people.

If we start acting like the second son and say we will do things but never get round to doing them, are we any different to people who continue to tell lies? God would like us to be honest and say what is on our minds as well as to say “yes” when He asks something of us. If we think something is not right, then we need to stand up and say something. When we do not, we carry around that ill feeling inside of us; that feeling which will eat at our hearts just like a bit of yeast does in a bread mix.

When we stop to talk to God about the things which are on our minds, He will take time to stop and explain things to us so we can better understand what it is that is going to be best for us in our lives. No sin can ever take that away from us.

Points to Ponder:
Do you say yes and then think about whether to do things?

Or will you be honest and say what is on your heart before listening to what is on God’s heart?