Saturday 24 Dec 2022

December 24: Acts 13:16-26

Key Verse: Acts 13:26
Fellow children of Abraham and you God-fearing Gentiles, it is to us that this message of salvation has been sent.

When was the last time you sat down and looked back over the things which have happened in your life? Have you tried to go back further through time to look at your ancestors and others? It may amaze you to see how much God has done in this world which ultimately affects your life.

Paul stood up and motioned to the people around him so they would stop and listen intently. He wanted to make sure they all heard what he was going to say and thought about it. There is nothing worse than trying to tell a story when nobody is paying attention!

God has been on the brunt of this sort of thing for many years, and yet He continues to bring forward His Word hoping we will take the time to stop and listen. He wants us to take account of what has happened in our lives and in the lives of the people who have come before us so we realise just how much He is doing to get our attention!

How about reading a bit of the Old Testament and looking back to see how many times God tried to get the attention of the people. He did this so that we will all listen, not just the people at the time. The stories we have in our Bibles list all God has done and are there to encourage us to trust in Him and believe what He is saying!

Points to Ponder:
Do you like history?

Do you realise you are a part of history?