Thursday 29 Dec 2022

December 29: Luke 2:25-35

Key Verse: Luke 2:32
a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel.

Simeon was a man who listened to God, obeyed Him and allowed his own life to be in accordance with God’s wishes. If only we could all say such a thing! The truth is we all get side-tracked and run off at a tangent when we get distracted by the world. It is during those times when we are most at danger and during those times we get things wrong in our lives. Who is to blame?

A lot of us will blame God for allowing things into our lives. Or we will blame other people for the things they do around us. Too few of us will stand up and take the blame squarely on the shoulders! We all have choices to make in life and those choices are what defines our lives…

Simeon waited patiently for God to open the right doors at the right time knowing God would keep His promises to him. This promise was how he would be able to see the Messiah before he died. Can you imagine the thoughts he would have had spinning round his head – what age would the Messiah be? Who would He be? What situation would make it possible for this to happen? Maybe that is why he always made sure he was around the temple…

If we continue to allow God to guide us in our lives we are assured of the best possible circumstances for our lives to be lived the way God wants them to be lived. We can also be assured the evil one will do whatever he can to trip us up so we doubt God and doubt His promises. If we can see past that, we should be able to see God more clearly!

Points to Ponder:
What things distract you in life?

Will you try to listen closer to God today?