Saturday 31 Dec 2022

December 31: John 1:29-34

Key Verse: John 1:33
And I myself did not know him, but the one who sent me to baptise with water told me, “The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain is the one who will baptise with the Holy Spirit.”

How well do you try to listen to God? Notice I said how well do you TRY to listen to God… None of us is perfect, each of us has our own unique faults which we live with, some of which we try to keep in check and others which we just accept as being the way we are… If you are at the stage where you have not yet started to accept you are different and you have faults, then maybe now is the time to start trying to accept this fact!

God tries to speak to us in many ways in our lives, through what others say and do with us, through His Word, the Bible and sometimes we even hear from Him in our dreams or visions. How we react to these events is how we are listening to God. We could say we are very scientific and need proof of everything in our lives. We could say we are like lawyers and need written testimony.

Let’s face it, we could come up with a whole lot of excuses to not listen to God – and some of those may simply be because we are scared to listen! What if He asks us to do something different? What if He wants us to go and tell others about Him? We get worried when we hear things which are different to our normal lives!

John was told, through a vision, the Messiah would come to him and he would be able to identify Jesus by seeing the Spirit Descend on Him! This was also the one who would baptise people through the Spirit and not just with water! John listened, waited and then obeyed!

Points to Ponder:
Are you listening? Are you waiting?

Will you obey?