Wednesday 4 Jan 2023

January 4: John 2:1-5

Key Verse: John 2:4
‘Woman, why do you involve me?’ Jesus replied. ‘My hour has not yet come.’

I wonder if you have asked God to do something for you which is not quite right? Mary asked Jesus to perform a miracle here – I’m sure she knew full well He was able to do anything and I wonder whether this had happened before, but in private… With all the people around, the disciples and all the wedding guests, Jesus could not really make this one go unnoticed...

But, at the same time, Mary knew it was not what she was able to do but what Jesus was able to do because God was supporting everything around Jesus the man. Because of the way her life had panned out, Mary knew God was with them every step of the way. She knew God always answered prayers and knew Jesus was in a special place to get them answered quickly.

Jesus’ reaction was to say it should not have been the time to show everyone what miracles God was able to do through prayer, but He also knew of the special relationship between God and Mary. He continued to answer prayers, even when it meant coming out!

Mary’s reaction was to tell the servants to listen very carefully to what Jesus would tell them to do and to do it no matter how silly it may sound. She knew God would be able to do anything with the most mundane physical things around them – in this case the empty jars and the water were going to become the choicest wine of the evening.

Points to Ponder:
Do you back down from prayers because you think God will not answer?

Will you go ahead and ask Him what is on your heart?