Friday 6 Jan 2023

January 6: Psalm 72:10-14

Key Verse: Psalm 72:11
May all kings bow down to him and all nations serve him.

Today we celebrate the revelation of God incarnate as Jesus Christ, the feast of Epiphany. Traditionally this is when the Magi arrived to visit the baby born in a stable and laid in a manger. God had already shown the Messiah to the shepherds and now it was time for a bit of pomp and ceremony.

Often we get tied up in making Christianity a solemn string of events and services and we neglect the remember the great feasts which were initiated so long ago and which have very deep meanings. Epiphany if the time when the Magi came into town to find the Messiah having been guided by a star and persuaded to bring the gifts of Gold, frankincense and myrrh. These were the special gifts brought to a new family who were in need; a need only met by God and not by man.

Far too often it is God who steps forward to care for the needy and spare the afflicted when mankind is the one who is here and now. We need to remember what God has done and apply these things into our lives. Just talking about them is not good enough; God wants us to do things!

Christ has shown us the example to follow, how to care for the needy who cry out, how to take pity on the weak, how to make the difference which will save them from death, how to rescue those from oppression and violence. We are all precious in Gods sight. We are here with our fellow humans. We can take care of them here and now.

Points to Ponder:
How often do you step up to help?

Will you step forward to help someone new today?