Sunday 8 Jan 2023

January 8: Act 10:34-43

Key Verse: Acts 10:41
He was not seen by all the people, but by witnesses whom God had already chosen – by us who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead.

When was the last time you won a raffle or other prize? Was it because you bought up all the tickets, or because you just bought one? Most of the time when someone wins a prize, it is because they bought a ticket, not a whole bunch of tickets! Whilst we can improve our odds of winning a prize by buying more and more tickets, it is not a guarantee because there is always a portion of chance in the raffles.

This is not how things work with God and certainly not how God sees it! Despite God choosing the people of Israel as His own, they were not always seen in a great light; often they would go off and do worldly things and ended up having to face the wrath of God rather than His love. When Jesus came to share the Gospel with them, they are the ones (talking about the majority here) who got Jesus placed on the cross for something He had not done!

We are not entering a lottery with Christ. When we accept Him as our Saviour, it is a sure thing; there is no chance involved, no matter what we have done in the past! Jesus did not skirt round the rough places in town. He did not avoid the sinners. He did not focus solely on the best synagogues or temples. Jesus met with anyone who was searching in their hearts!

This is the God we follow and the one who I accepted as my Saviour – Jesus Christ. He is the one who worked in my heart so I could see the error of my own ways, not the errors of the people around me or even my parents, but my own issues. He is the one who forgave me, personally!

Points to Ponder:
Do you seek to find a way out?

Have you asked God where to go yet?