Wednesday 11 Jan 2023

January 11: Mark 1:35-39

Key Verse: Mark 1:35
Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

Have you ever got caught up in work and forgotten something you had promised someone close to you? I know I do get carried away with work and have been known to forget things – on more than a few occasions! Jesus knew how important it was to make sure He made time to pray to His Father in Heaven. Just when things were getting busy and the disciples were getting excited about all the healing miracles and things, Jesus would try to calm things down a bit...

We often get far to busy with life and the world around us, forgetting how important it is to talk with God. This is what prayer is about – us making time to commune with God over everything, the mundane and the important! God wants to hear from all in all aspects of our lives and not just when we panic and need Him to fix things!

The disciples would get caught up in the world many times whilst they were following Christ. It is not that they lost faith or that they stopped doing things for God, they just got a bit busy and got caught up in worldly things instead of spiritual things!

God wants us to remember the spiritual aspects of our lives all the time. Jesus was well aware of this and made sure He spent time communing with God. Jesus would take Himself away from the business of life to make sure He could not just talk to God, but stop to listen properly as well. It is the listening part which we overlook when we are busy...

Points to Ponder:
How often do you pray?

How often do you stop and listen?