Tuesday 17 Jan 2023

January 17: Hebrews 6:10-15

Key Verse: Hebrews 6:12
We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.

I wonder how many times you have done work without getting payment for it? A lot of the time we do work with and form friends and family without asking or expecting payment, but we do get ‘paid’ through other means than monetary gain – maybe they cook us a meal or just enjoy time together.

We should have the same attitude with God; we should not expect to get paid for the work we do with and for God because we should be doing it for the love He has already shared with us. Even so, when we do things for God they do not go unnoticed by Him. He will return the favour by doing something for us, probably in the most unexpected ways!

We should not grow weary because we have not been paid for God’s work; Jesus was the example by which we should try to live. He went out to do God’s work and did not expect to be paid for it. Instead He went out knowing God would love Him and allow Him to continue doing the work through other means. Jesus accepted meals and support from those people around Him, many of which were not Christians as we know them, but simply people seeking the truth.

If we are able to be effective disciples for Christ, He will make sure we can continue to be those disciples through supporting us in love and other ways. When God told Abraham he would be the father of a great nation, it was not and empty promise but one which He kept in unexpected ways. Abraham and Sarah expected to have many children of themselves, but God’s promise came through the generations of people which followed from Abraham and Sarah.

Points to Ponder:
Do you expect God to give you things?

Have you tried just doing the work and not expecting anything in return yet?