Thursday 19 Jan 2023

January 19: Hebrews 7:23-28

Key Verse: Hebrews 7:27
Unlike the other high priests, he does not need to offer sacrifices day after day, first for his own sins, and then for the sins of the people. He sacrificed for their sins once for all when he offered himself.

Jesus was known by many names; some being our shepherd, our king, and her, our high priest. Each of these titles is an earthly title given to try and add more to what Jesus was to all of His people. We see Him as our shepherd because He looks after us like a shepherd looks after the sheep. We see Him as our King because He holds the highest position in our lives. And here we see Him as our high priest because He is the one who make sure God is going to forgive us of our sins!

Now normal high priests would have to offer sacrifices for people’s sins and also offer sacrifices for their own sins – they were not blameless and could not ask for forgiveness of our sins until they had squared their own sin debt first! Jesus, on the other hand, did not have to offer sacrifices for His own sins because He did not sin! So why did Jesus offer the sacrifice of His own life?

This is the most important step we need to remember and the step which sets Him apart from all other high priests in our history. Jesus did not sin, therefore He was perfect. He was the ultimate lamb without a blemish! So offering His own self for our sins was the ultimate sacrifice to offer. That is how much God thinks of us!

Each high priest throughout history has had sins which they have had to ask God’s forgiveness for before seeking forgiveness for our sins. Each high priest has had issues in their own lives. Now, whilst they had done everything God asked of them to gain forgiveness, Jesus did not have to offer anything for His own sins – He simply offered everything for our sins instead!

Points to Ponder:
What would you give to gain forgiveness from others?

Have you thanked Christ for what He did for you?