Friday 27 Jan 2023

January 27: Hebrews 10:32-39

Key Verse: Hebrews 10:35
So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.

How long do you tend to hold on to something before you get weary and give in to the world around you? I’m not talking about hanging onto the end of a tug-of-war rope to see how long you can last, but the the spiritual and mental tug-of-war we have to endure every day.

Life is not just about physical labour and seeing how fit you are to keep on going; we have to face all manner of things which are spiritually and mentally challenging – those are often the hardest things to overcome because you cannot see and end to any of them. For something physical you can see and end and you can prepare yourself for how long it will take. Not so for mental and spiritual battles.

Here the disciple reminds the Hebrew people they are going to face battle and they have already done so on some fronts. They have managed to get through some of those battles already, so the disciple reminds them they have managed to get through and if they persist in a similar manner, they will be able to get through more.

God does not want us to give up but rather to persist in our battles because He is standing by our sides and He will give us the strength to endure what we will face. If you are in a battle of tug-of-war, you trust the people behind you are not going to let go and you concentrate on what is immediately in front of you. Why not try to do something similar to the internal challenges you face – just concentrate on what is immediately in front of you and trust God is backing you up all the way!

Points to Ponder:
Do you rely on God as your back-stop?

Will you give Him a bit more credit?