Monday 6 Feb 2023

February 6: Genesis 1:1-19

Key Verse: Genesis 1:11
Then God said, ‘Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.’ And it was so.

The first chapter of the bible is one which people have debated upon for so long, and one which makes sense to some and not to others; but what we can all agree on is that it was something entirely new! How does one go about describing something which has never existed before?

I’m not going to argue about whether I think these words describe exactly what happened because I don’t quite get the words they use in the first few verses. It’s only when we get down to verse 11 where things begin to make some sort of sense because from then on it describes things which we can relate to.

This is one of the big problems we face as Christian. How do we go about describing something which is new to us… when we first became a Christian we could not describe what it was like and we would have problems trying to convince anyone about our new life. But the more we get to grow with God, the more He opens our hearts and minds to what he can do and the more familiar we become with His ways. I don’t think I will ever be able to understand the words of the first few verses of the bible until I get to meet Jesus face to face…

What we can do, though, is describe what we feel in our hearts to other people. When we describe what we actually feel, people will be more willing to listen and to try and find out for themselves. When we describe things like the first few verses of the bible, it bring confusion because we may be confused. So when you want to tell anyone about God, stick to what you know about Him – not all the big words and books say, but what you feel in your heart. That is what counts to Christ as well!

Points to Ponder:
Do you find it hard to explain God?

Have you tried simply saying what you feel about God?