Thursday 9 Feb 2023

February 9: Genesis 2:18-25

Key Verse: Genesis 2:20
So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals. But for Adam no suitable helper was found.

In amongst all of this creation and the amazing things which happened, the man realised he needed someone to be with. This is the very essence of being a human – we all need someone! As a single person I know what it feels like to have nobody around most of the time. Yes God is always with me and a very real presence in my life, but its the human contact which we need in our lives.

I have always been a bit of a loner compared to others and I do find myself very good company sometimes, just being able to shut off from the world around me and to be at peace with my surroundings is a bit part of my life. But, no matter how much I enjoy being by myself most of the time, there is always a time when I do strive for company of friends and family… but even that has its limits too…

When God said we need someone as a helper, it was not to have a servant who would do everything for us, not to have a playmate whom we could call upon at any time when we get board. God was talking about having a soul-mate in our lives; someone who you can never be without in your life. Not everyone gets to find their soul-mate in their lifespan, but it is something we all would love to attain!

God knew exactly what the man needed and created a woman, a partner, different but the same, again in His image. God knows who you need in your life and is willing to help you find that person, but listening to Him and waiting on Him is sometimes a bit too much for some people and they go off hunting for something they think they need instead. This is where mankind gets lost and flounders!

Points to Ponder:
Would you trust someone to pick your lifetime partner?

Will you trust God to do exactly that?